Tunza Mama has a weekly weaning series dubbed #WeaningWednesday where we share information and offer support for mothers and their families as they transition from Exclusive Breastfeeding (EBF) to Introducing solids. The WHO recommends that EBF be done for the first six months. When baby is ready for solids, Tunza Mama caregivers carry out a readiness assessment test with our Complimentary Feeding Package. More details on our services page, click here.
Here’s a delicious mince meat recipe for your weaning baby.

Ingredients – 1 serving
1/2 tsp coconut oil
1/2 onion, chopped
25g mince meat
1/4 tomato skinned and chopped
50ml of beef stock
Preparation Method
- Heat the oil in a pan and then add the onion. Saute until softened
- Add the mince meat and saute while stirring until browned and a bit cooked
- Add in the tomatoes, then pour the beef stock, enough for the desired consistency. That is, if you love a thicker consistency, add less beef stock and vice versa. You may use water if you do not have beef stock.
- Reduce the heat and cover then cook for 30 minutes. Blend the ready mince meat to your preferred consistency. Again, this depends on your baby’s stage of weaning. If you are just starting out, you want the puree to be smooth to allow your baby get used to it.
Tunza Mama Tip
Ask your local butcher for a lean cut of the meat, one that does not have a high fat content. Get it minced and give your baby this delicious dish!
Tunza Mama Weaning Package
Remember, we have a weaning package available for babies above 6 months of age. It contains lots of good stuff + practical cook sessions for you! These includes:
- support as you transition from EBF (Exclusive Breastfeeding) to pintroducing solids.
- A readiness assessment for weaning to be sure that your baby is ready to start solids.
- Practical and theoretical training on ideal meal preparation. This training covers appropriate nutrition, food variety and portion sizes as your baby goes through the different stages of weaning.
- Follow up sessions after 4 to 6 weeks of the initial session.
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