Why should I have my blood pressure checked at the Antenatal Clinic?
Introduction:During pregnancy, the health and well-being of both the mother and the baby are of utmost importance. One vital aspect that should not be overlooked is monitoring blood pressure. Regular blood pressure checks at antenatal clinics play a crucial role...
Preeclampsia and Eclampsia: What You Need To Know
What is Preeclampsia? Preeclampsia, previously known as toxemia, is a condition that occurs during pregnancy. Preeclampsia is characterized by high blood pressure in pregnant women who have had no history of high blood pressure. In addition to this, pregnant women...
Obstetric Fistula
An obstetric fistula is an abnormal hole that forms between a woman’s vagina and her bladder or rectum. The opening forms after prolonged obstructed labour in cases where a woman in labour does not get medical attention quickly. According to...