How do I calculate my EDD?
Embarking on the journey of pregnancy is a truly magical experience, and at Tunza Mama, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Today, let’s delve into the concept of the Estimated Due Date (EDD), explore how to...
Help! My Infant is teething!
What exactly does teething refer to? Teething refers to the period of time when your little one’s teeth begin to emerge through the gums. When will my baby start teething? While there is no precise age for this, most babies...
Tunza MamaTips: Baby’s Poop
A Guide to Understanding Your Baby’s Poop As a new parent, one of the daily aspects of your baby’s life that you’ll become intimately familiar with is their bowel movements. Often referred to as “poop-plosions,” these occurrences can sometimes be...
Breastfeeding Positions
Breastfeeding provides a healthy foundation for baby and allows bonding between mother, baby and the family. We have shared on breastfeeding in this post, please check it out here. How does Tunza Mama step up for breastfeeding? We do this...
The First 1000 Days
The First 1000 Days begin at the moment of conception and carries on through to a baby’s second birthday. the nutrition that a baby receives in the First 1000 Days of their life will determine their health, cognitive abilities and...
Weaning tips as you transition from Exclusive Breastfeeding (EBF)
Weaning can be an exciting time for both parents and baby, but we are also aware that it can pose difficult challenges if your baby does not take too solids as well as you had hoped for. The timely introduction...
Improving Maternal Mental Health
September is Suicide Awareness Month and every year, the 10th of September is observed as International Suicide Awareness and Prevention Day. This is an important day globally as it underscores the need to reduce suicides as well as improve mental...
Postpartum Depression
Postpartum Depression (abbreviated PPD) is a maternal mental illness that affects women after child birth. According to Postpartum Support International (PSI), Postpartum Depression affects up to 15% of all new mothers. These rates are thought to be higher in developing...
Self-care for women during the perinatal period
Self-care has become a buzzword in recent times, but what exactly does it mean? According to WHO, self-care refers to ‘the ability of individuals, families and communities to promote health, prevent disease and cope with illness with or without the...
Maternal Mental Health
Mental health, in general, refers to an individual’s psychological and emotional wellness. It refers to how we feel, think and act. According to a report by WHO, mental health also includes the ability to cope with life’s daily stressors, be...